Name Discription Country
National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association  TOP CLICKS  USA
NRA National Rifle Association USA
NRA UK National Rifle Association UK UK
NSSA - National Skeet Shooting Association   USA
NSSF The National Shooting Sports Foundation USA
Oberpfälzer Schützenbund e.V.   Germany
Oregon State Shooting Association   USA
P.A.S.S. PRO/AM Shotgun Society Clay shooting USA
Pistolenschützen-Pfäffikon.ZH Shooting club Switzerland
Police Pistol Competition (PPC) Forum   world wide
PPC Czech Open PPC 1500 Czech Republic The PPC 1500 in the BDMP e.V. Germany
PRACTICAL PISTOLS NEWS AND VIEWS Site about "practical pistol shooting" UK
SASS Single Action Shooting Society USA Informatition about the shooting sport Germany
Schützengau Würzburg   Germany
Schützenkreis Arnsberg 7300 Group of Shooting Club Germany
Schweizerischer Matchschützenverband   Switzerland
Schweizerischer Schützenverband   Switzerland Sport shooters site USA
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