Name Discription Country
DSB LV Südbadischer Sportschützenverband   Germany
DSB LV Thüringer Schützenbund   Germany
DSB LV Württembergischer Schützenverband   Germany
European Steel Challenge 06/ 21-22/2003 Austria
f-class Longrange rifle shooting of the BDMP Germany
Fifty Caliber Shooter's Association   USA
FPT - Federação Portuguesa de Tiro Portuguese Target Shooting Federation Portugal
Freedom Arms Shoot The Freedom Arms Shoot in Germany,Only Freedom Arms Revolvers are allowed Germany
Hampton Roads Young Gunz Southeast Virginia's US Olympic Pistol Team Training Organization USA
HK-Trophy Heckler&Koch Trophy - Team Competition in Philippsburg (Germany) with placed HK guns Germany
HPK Härlanda Pistolskytteklubb The Swedish Federation of Black Powder Shooters Sweden
Hunting & Shooting Sports Heritage Foundation   USA
International Defensive Pistol Association   USA
Internationaler Silhouetten Club   Switzerland
IPSC International Practical Shooting Confederation USA
IPSC Europameisterschaft IPSC European Championship Germany
ISSF - INTERNATIONAL SHOOTING SPORT FEDERATION   Germany Parcous de Chasse and Compak-Sporting Germany
Louisiana Shooting Association   USA
Massachusetts Rifle Association olderst gun club in the united states with several ranges USA
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