further links:
Name Discription Country
Swissrifles.com All about swiss rifles Switzerland
The FAL Files Information about The Fusil Automatique Leger (FAL) and Light Automatic Rifle (LAR) USA
The Firing Line Firearms Discussion Site USA
The German codes page Headstamps codes-Waffenamt codes-Manufacturer's codes-etc Belgium
The GunFighter Zone Gun dealer portal USA
The Guns Network Links, open discussions USA
The National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers   USA
TheFirearmDirectory.com fireamrs links USA
Tom Bower's politically incorrect machinegun pages Infomations about machineguns USA
Tuttoarmi Gun site Italy
VDW Verband für Waffentechnik und -geschichte Germany
Verband deutscher Büchsenmacher und Waffenhändler e.V.   Germany
waffen-board.de Forum for "free guns" Germany
Waffen-Sachkunde.Com - Dr. Bodo von Rhein   Germany
Waffen.ch site for gun collectors Switzerland
Waffensachkunde Akademie Niedersachsen   Germany
waffensachkundepruefung.de   Germany
Waffensammelpass.de - Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Seel all about collecting guns Germany
webfusil Portal in spanish about full auto rifles Spain
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