further links:
Name Discription Country
scudus Security-Search-Engine world wide
Second Amendment Foundation   USA
Second Amendment Sisters, Inc. Gun Rights Organization USA
securitytreff.de Forum for security people Germany
Seeker's of the Red Mist resource for varmint hunters USA
Seitengewehr.com bayonet collector site USA
Shooters' Committee On Political Education Pro-Gun Organization USA
Shooting & Safety expert gun & shooting gear reviews & news USA
Shooting Sports links for sport shooters Canada
shooting-hunting.com/   USA
Shotevent shooting for everybody Germany
Simindia Further links and forums USA
sixguns.com/   USA
Sniper Babes America's only pro gun promotions and modeling company USA
sondereinheiten.de   Germany
Special Tactical Service teaching military, law enforcement and professional security personnel USA
Sport News Sport news from germany, switzerland and austria Germany
Suchbiene Onlinedienste GmbH Weapons and sport shooting on the search engine "Suchbiene" Germany
SurvivalOps  Online ShopBinary Survival Crackers USA
Survivor's SKS Boards Dedicated to the discussion of SKS Rifles USA
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